Julie N. Zimmerman

Last Revised: Jan 9th, 2025
Professional Biography
Video: Get to Know Dr. Julie N. Zimmerman, Ph.D.
My research has both an academic and an applied focus. My book, Opening Windows onto Hidden Lives: Women, Country Life, and Early Rural Sociological Research (with co-author Olaf Larson) explores the unexpected inclusion of rural and farm women in research conducted by the USDA’s Division of Farm Population and Rural Life (1919-1953). Recent projects include the book chapter “I Could Tell Stories ‘til the Cows Come Home Individual Biography meets Collective Biography” (in Johannes Hans Bakker (ed.) Rural Sociologists at Work) and I am writing the history for the first Department of Rural Sociology in the nation.
I also conduct research with an applied emphasis. Recent projects include Rural Data Inequality and the American Community Survey (w/ Dr. Tony Love in the Dept. of Sociology) and the Rural Price Project Restudy which is a longitudinal analysis examining prices for items used in understanding geographic differences in the cost of living (w/ Dr. Karen Rignall in CLD).
For Cooperative Extension, I work as an Extension demographer in the area of applied population. I developed and run the Extension program Kentucky: By The Numbers which focuses on publicly available secondary data used in local decision-making. My program includes skill-based training, custom data analyses, direct assistance, resources for accessing and using online secondary data, and web access to resources and commonly used data. As a result of my Extension program, I provide guest lectures for multiple courses in CLD and I work with the Building Strong Families Profiles for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension.
In addition to being a faculty member in CLD, I hold a joint appointment with the Department of Sociology and am a faculty member in the Sociology Graduate Program.
Contact me for assistance with:
- Understanding rural/urban differences
- Locating and using publicly available secondary data
- History of social sciences in colleges of agriculture and USDA
External Links
Kentucky: By The Numbers (Resources for Accessing Data in Real Time)
Historian, Rural Sociological Society Graduate Faculty, Department of Sociology
Building Strong Families Profiles
Listen to Dr. Zimmerman on NPR: Women's Work Is Never Done On The Farm, And Sometimes Never Counted
Read about some of Dr. Zimmerman’s applied work with Cooperative Extension:
Nelson County Residents to Get Up Close Look at Monday Presentation
'Silver Tsunami' Predicted to Hit Nelson in 2030
Areas of Interest
Social Sciences in Agriculture, Rural/Urban Differences, Rural Inequality, Locating and Using Secondary Data, History