Community Economic Development
Constructing a Multi-Dimensional Measure of Local Entrepreneurial Culture
Dr. Nicole Breazeale, Michael W.-P. Fortunato, James Edward Allen IV, Dr. Ron Hustedde and Helen Pushkarskaya, Authors
Based on data collected across Kentucky, this publication describes the development of a survey instrument to assess a community’s entrepreneurial culture. The survey instrument is included in the Appendix. The measure is intended for entrepreneurship support programs and local economic development leaders – particularly in rural areas. Suggestions for how to interpret the data and use it to improve the local entrepreneurial culture are included.
Community Economic Analysis: A How To Manual
Dr. Ron Hustedde, Author
This manual is especially useful at the county level. It addresses three key questions: 1. What are the current economic conditions in the community? 2. What components of the community have been growing or what components have been declining? 3. What are the community’s options for improving its economic future and which of those options should be pursued first? The manual provides practical tools for extension educators and others to address these questions about a community’s economy such as Reilly’s Law, Trade Area Capture, Pull Factor, Potential Sales, Location Quotient, Shift Share Analysis, National Growth Component, Industrial Mix Component, Competitive Share Component, and Employment and Income Multipliers with easy-to-understand examples.
Business Retention and Expansion
Dr. Daniel Kahl, Program Coordinator
Coordinated through the Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK), the business retention and expansion program is an extension supported service for assessing the economic climate of a community. Results identify and address methods to improve the local business climate.
Contact Us
For more community economic development information and resources, contact the following extension faculty: