UK Field Day
The Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the University of Kentucky hosts FFA/4-H Field Day annually.
UK Field Day 2025
This year's UK Field Day event will be Thursday, April 24, 2025.
In spring of 1970, 4-H clubs and FFA chapters from the surrounding counties and Bluegrass region met to sharpen their skills in a variety of production agriculture trades, many of which were supported through a variety of academic competitions. The field day allowed students to meet other students and professors in a variety of agriculture fields at the University of Kentucky. Capitalizing on the networking opportunities, youth gained valuable assets and contacts that could assist them with their academic endeavors.
The college’s 4-H/FFA Field Day continued to grow and expand its opportunities and, during the spring of 2016, broke a Field Day record with over 2,000 youth in attendance, representing nearly 60 schools from three states (Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio). Every department in the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment was represented and supported the event through time, money and physical resources, and over 200 undergraduate students assisted with the learning experience of the 4-H and FFA youth.
In April 2017, the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment celebrated its 47th year of hosting Field Day, encompassing nearly 30 different competitive events. Students had the opportunity to meet with UK counselors and advisors at a College Opportunity Fair, and teachers and agents participated in professional development opportunities to assist in their work.
Previous Events
Results & Photos
2022 Overall Winning Schools
- Taylor County FFA
- Montgomery County FFA
- Nelson County FFA
- Livestock Evaluation Results
- Agriscience Fair 1
- Agriscience Fair 2
- Agronomy
- Auctioneering
- Citizenship Bowl
- Dairy Evaluation
- Demo Horticulture
- Demo Animal
- Demo Engineering Tech
- Demo Food Science
- Demo Outdoor Recreation
- Farm Business Management
- FFA and 4H Quiz Bowl
- Floriculture
- Forestry
- Horse Industry Knowledge
- Job Interview Junior
- Job Interview Senior
- Land Evaluation
- Lifesmarts Competition
- Meats Evaluation
- Nursery
- Seed Identification
- Serving Out Loud
- Tractor Driving Junior
- Tractor Driving Senior
- Veterinary Science
- Welding